Portfolio Manager will be unavailable due to system upgrades beginning Saturday, November 16, 12:00 AM EST through Monday, November 18, 11:59 PM EST.

Web Service Documentation / Categories / Connection/Share Services

Connection/Share Services

The Connection/Share Services allows you to connect to and disconnect from existing Portfolio Manager accounts as well as share and unshare existing properties and meters.


Method REST URI * Description
POST /connect/account/(accountId) Accepts/rejects a pending connection request from a specific customer.
GET /connect/account/pending/list Returns a list of customer connection requests that are pending.
POST /disconnect/account/(accountId)?keepShares=(keepShares) Removes the existing connection between you and a specific customer. Any existing property and meter shares between you and the specific customer are also automatically removed by default.
GET /notification/list?clear=(clear) Gets a list of notifications when a disconnect/unshare occurs.
POST /share/meter/(meterId) Accepts/rejects a pending share request for a specific meter.
GET /share/meter/pending/list Returns a list of meter share requests that are pending. These meter share requests belong to customers that you are already connected to.
POST /share/property/(propertyId) Accepts/rejects a pending share request for a specific property.
GET /share/property/pending/list Returns a list of property share requests that are pending. These property share requests belong to customers that you are already connected to.
POST /unshare/meter/(meterId) Removes the existing share between you and a specific meter.
POST /unshare/property/(propertyId) Removes the existing share between you and a specific property. Any existing meter shares (for this property) between you and the specific customer are also automatically removed.

* For the LIVE environment, relative to the base URI:  https://portfoliomanager.energystar.gov/ws