Web Service Documentation / Categories / Meter Services / Get Waste Data
Updated on August 8, 2016
This web service retrieves waste data for a specific meter. The meter must already be shared with you. The waste data is returned in sets of 120. An optional date range can be specified to return a certain set of waste data records.
Field Name | Value | Comments |
Authorization | Basic credentials |
Parameter Name | Description |
endDate | Optional. Indicates the end date of a custom date range to retrieve waste data. Must be a valid date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. |
meterId | Id to the meter |
page | Optional. Indicates the page number set of results to retrieve. This is typically omitted on the initial call and is provided if the results are paginated. |
startDate | Optional. Indicates the start date of a custom date range to retrieve waste data. Must be a valid date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. |
Request/Response | Schema Name |
Request | None |
Response | wasteData.xsd |
The following example retrieves waste information for a meter that has an id of 100. If you want to just retrieve waste records that cover a date range of January 1st, 2011 to December 31st, 2011 then the following URL parameters should be provided: startDate=2011-01-01&endDate=2011-12-31
GET /meter/100/wasteData
The following example returns the first set of 120 waste data records for a meter and provides a link to the next set. For example purposes, assume that over 20 records are returned.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wasteData estimatedValue="true">
<wasteData estimatedValue="true">
<link httpMethod="get" link="/meter/100/wasteData?page=2" linkDescription="next page"/>