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Web Service Documentation / Error Codes

Guide to Error Codes

HTTP Status Codes

Portfolio Manager returns HTTP status codes for every request you submit by web service. The following table lists the most common HTTP status codes returned with a description of when you will encounter each.

Status Code Description
200 Success.
201 Resource was created.
202 Request was accepted for processing, but processing has not been started or completed yet.
400 Bad request submitted. An application error code and message is provided.
401 Authentication credentials were missing or were invalid.
403 You are trying to access data that you do not have access to.
404 You are trying to access a resource that does not exist.
405 The HTTP method for this resource is not supported.
406 You specified a MIME type that is not supported.
415 You did not specify a supported content/media type with your request. Currently only "application/xml" is supported.
429 You exceeded the rate limit.
500 An internal server error has occurred. Please try again.
502 Web services are unavailable due to system maintenance. Please try again.

Error Codes

Sometimes the Portfolio Manager database may encounter errors as it processes your transaction. These are considered application level errors that are returned with a HTTP status code of 4xx. There are two application error codes that are used and returned back to you along with a description: -100 and -200.

Error Code Description
-100 Indicates that the XML submitted did not validate with the corresponding schema. A detailed error message indicating the reason will be returned to you.
-200 An application specific error has been encountered. A detailed message is provided explaining the error. Please note that the text to the error may change.