Portfolio Manager will be unavailable due to system upgrades beginning Saturday, November 16, 12:00 AM EST through Monday, November 18, 11:59 PM EST.

Web Service Documentation / Known Issues

Known Issues

The following table lists the known issues within the Live/Test environment.

Date Issue # Live Status Test Status Description
May 6, 2024 15530 Resolved Resolved The Get-Monthly-Web-Service metric does not return a full set of 12 monthly electric use site values when one of the property's meters is not in use.
Mar 28, 2024 15401 Resolved Resolved The Add Property Identifier web service call should not allow you to add the following deprecated Standard IDs. See FAQ for more details.
  • Austin Building ID
  • Chula Vista Building ID (CVID)
  • Minneapolis Building ID
  • Portland, ME Building ID
  • Saint Paul Parcel ID
  • South Portland, ME Energy Reporting ID
Mar 21, 2024 15399 Resolved Resolved The Get Use Details Revision web service call fails for Museums. The useDetailsRevisions.xsd schema is missing the following elements and will be updated outside of a typical major release.
  • precisionControlsForTemperatureAndHumidity
  • grossFloorAreaThatIsExhibitSpace
Aug 28, 2023 14876 Resolved Resolved A HTTP 500 error is sometimes encountered when accepting/rejecting a connection request.
Aug 15, 2023 14862 Resolved N/A The "terms of use" checkbox field should not display during a connection request between a user and a web service provider if the web service provider indicates that no terms of use is required.
Jun 9, 2023 14636 Resolved Resolved The "Reason(s) For No Score" metric (reasonsForNoScore) in the Get-Metrics web service and the Get-Reasons-for-No-Energy-Score web service should not include any HTML in its list of reasons that returned.
May 5, 2023 14594 Resolved Resolved A HTTP status code of 403 and an "Access Denied" message should be returned if you try to delete a child property of a campus that you're not the property data administrator of using DELETE /property/(buildingId).
Feb 14, 2023 14374 Resolved Resolved The original behavior (prior to the 20.0 LIVE release on 2/12/2023) have been restored to the following 4 metrics:
  • siteElectricityIntensityWN returns in kWh/ft2 or kWh/m2
  • siteNaturalGasUseIntensityWN returns in therms/ft2 or GJ/m2
  • waterWasteWaterSiteElectricityIntensityWN returns in kWh/gpd or kWh/m3pd
  • waterWasteWaterSiteNaturalGasUseIntensityWN returns in therms/gpd or GJ/m3pd
Nov 22, 2022 14238 Resolved Resolved The data type for the following metrics should indicate a type of "numeric" instead of "string":
  • parentPropertyId
  • propertyDataAdministratorAccountId
Sep 27, 2022 14155 Resolved Resolved The following metrics should be reporting back Yes/No Values instead of 1/0 (numeric) values:
  • aggregateMetersElectricYN
  • aggregateMetersNaturalGasYN
  • aggregateMetersDistrictStreamYN
  • aggregateMetersDistrictHotWaterYN
  • aggregateMetersDistrictChilledWaterYN
Sep 12, 2022 14118 Resolved Resolved JSON (instead of XML) is intermittently being returned in web service responses.
May 10, 2022 13886 Resolved Resolved Single property/meter association web service (POST /property/(propertyId)/meter/(meterId)) is missing validation to verify that the specified meter belongs to the specified property.
May 9, 2022 13447 Resolved Resolved The Get Property Use Metrics web service should always return a 404 error when the corresponding property does not exist.
Jan 18, 2022 13611 Resolved Resolved Validation is missing to ensure the inactive-date is after the first-bill-date when adding (POST) or updating (PUT) waste meters.
Oct 15, 2021 13432 Resolved Resolved The following web service metric names will be renamed in an upcoming Portfolio Manager Web Services 18.0 release:
  • collegeUniversityNumberOfWorkersOnMainShift   to   collegeUniversityFullTimeEquivalentFteWorkers
  • collegeUniversityWorkerDensity   to   collegeUniversityFullTimeEquivalentFteWorkersDensity
Jun 7, 2021 13235 Resolved Resolved The XML response for the Get-What-Changed-Property-Use-List web service returns duplicate information.
Jun 6, 2021 13249 N/A Resolved Cannot create an account in the BETA environment using "POST /wstest/account". Currently a HTTP status code of 401 is being returned.
May 27, 2021 13002 Resolved Resolved The "People with Access to Property" metric is not returning a result if you're not connected to all the users who currently have access to the property.
Apr 13, 2021 13154 Resolved Resolved The XML response for the Get-All Meter-Identifier-List web service has a misspelling in a reference link. The reference link should refer to "/identifier" instead of "identifer".
Jan 29, 2021 13003 Resolved Resolved An error message should be returned to indicate that you cannot change your username via a PUT account webservice call.
Dec 18, 2020 12919 Resolved Resolved The following web service metric names are misspelled and will be corrected in an upcoming Portfolio Manager Web Services 17.0 release:
  • medicalOfficePerfecntThatCanBeHeated
  • residentialCareFacilityNumberOfCommericalRefrigerationFreezerUnits
Aug 31, 2020 12651 Resolved Resolved When calling the web service to retrieve the list of pending property share requests, a 403 is returned when you are not connected to the property owner of a pending property share.
Apr 17, 2020 12401 Resolved Resolved The "Set Up Web Services/Data Exchange" functionality in the Portfolio Manager Web Application does not work if the bulk share request includes a combination of existing share overwrites and new shares.
Mar 19, 2020 12289 Resolved Resolved Adding/updating consumption cost values that contain leading/trailing whitespace characters fails.
Mar 4, 2020 12235 Resolved Resolved The GET /meter/(meterId)/consumptionData web service is not returning cost values for delivery meters.
Feb 27, 2020 12247 Resolved Resolved Slow response when calling the GET /property/(propertyId)/meter/list web service with the "myAccessOnly" option seto to TRUE.
Dec 12, 2019 12049 Resolved Resolved Update #1: On Friday, December 13, 2019 at around 5pm EST, a fix was applied to the LIVE web service environment that resolved the intermittent 401 HTTP status code issue. Web service activity in the LIVE environment is expected to return to normal behavior.

After this past weekend’s release on December 7th, Portfolio Manager Web Services is experiencing technical difficulties where 401 HTTP status codes are being intermittently returned. We are currently looking into the cause and will provide additional updates as we investigate. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Sep 4, 2019 11728 Resolved Resolved Cannot single associate a waste meter if you don't have access to all the waste meters of a property.
May 23, 2019 11440 Resolved Resolved "disposalDestinationId" is incorrectly displayed in GET …/meter/(meterId)/wasteData calls. The id is not applicable to other services and should not be displayed.
May 23, 2019 11400 Resolved Resolved Very large billing entries for the following elements cause a HTTP 500 error: usage, quantity, cost, demand.
May 1, 2019 11504 Resolved Resolved Cannot add or update consumption data on a meter that contains custom meter additional identifiers.
Apr 19, 2019 11466 Resolved Resolved Default irrigatedArea assignments are not being handled correctly for PUT /property and PUT /building services associated with US Multifamily Housing property types.
Apr 18, 2019 11463 Resolved Resolved There are two defects associated with this issue:
  • A description is incorrectly required when updating a standard property additional identifier through a PUT call.
  • Standard property identifiers are not returned in a GET property identifier list call.
Apr 2, 2019 11437 Resolved Resolved The GET /meter/(meterId)/wasteData web service is not returning disposal destination data.
Mar 31, 2019 11399 Resolved Resolved Schema does not enforce the existence of the required 'value' tag when adding/editing the ‘plantDesignFlowRate’ use detail.
Feb 27, 2019 11372 Resolved Resolved The wasteData.xsd schema file contains an invalid declaration. The correction involves changing

<xs:element name="wasteData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="120"/>


<xs:element ref="wasteData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="120"/>
Oct 19, 2018 9278 Resolved Resolved Only allow date inputs that have a year that starts with 1 or 2 (i.e., 1999, 2018) across all web services.
Oct 18, 2018 11079 Resolved Resolved The Get-Property web service fails if the property notes field length is > 988 characters. The temporary workaround was addressed in issue #11004. This specific issue involves the permanent fix for the described scenario.
Aug 31, 2018 11004 Resolved Resolved The Get-Property web service fails if the property notes field length is > 988 characters. A temporary workaround will involve only returning the first 988 characters of the property notes field until a permanent solution is implemented.
Aug 29, 2018 11001 Resolved Resolved The Get-Metrics web service does not work correctly when a metric value involves multiple items. For example, if a property has multiple certification years then the "energyStarCertificationYears" metric does not work. However, if the property has one certification year then the "energyStarCertificationYears" metric will be returned correctly.
Aug 4, 2018 10927 Resolved Resolved Demand data cannot be removed in a PUT /consumptionData/(consumptionDataId) call.
May 2, 2018 10729 Resolved Resolved Cannot add a property to an account that has a username that is more than 30 characters in length.
Apr 30, 2018 10722 Resolved Resolved The Get What Changed web services should not return a 403 for customers that you are connected to.
Feb 3, 2018 10480 Resolved Resolved Attempting to edit a meter's "type" element results in a 500 error.
Dec 11, 2017 10273 Resolved Resolved The data type for "Yes/No" metrics should indicate a type of "numeric" instead of "string".
Nov 9, 2017 10300 Resolved Resolved The GET Energy Performance Project web service always returns an error.
Oct 13, 2017 10252 Resolved Resolved The following design web services should allow decimal values for estimated energy data:
  • GET /property/(propertyId)/design
  • PUT /property/(propertyId)/design
  • POST /targetFinder
Oct 13, 2017 9806 Resolved Resolved The "PUT /property/(propertyId)/design" does not correctly save the estimated energy data when it is provided.
Jun 16, 2017 9957 Resolved Resolved The "GET, PUT, and POST /building" web services do not work with irrigated area information.
Apr 19, 2017 9764 Resolved Resolved The "POST /targetFinder" web service does not accept a property use type of "other".
Apr 19, 2017 6059 Resolved Resolved The "POST /targetFinder" web service does not return the following metrics for international properties (non-US/CAN properties):


Current weather station assignment limitations prevent these metrics from being calculated.
Jan 25, 2017 9565 Resolved Resolved Deleting a single consumption record that does not exist should always return a 404 error.
Oct 28, 2016 9349 Resolved Resolved An HTTP 400 error and the "The pending request doesn't exist or has been fulfilled" message should be returned when you try to accept a meter share that is now longer pending.
Aug 22, 2016 9153 Resolved Resolved The "myAccessOnly" parameter in the Get-Meter-List web service does not return waste meters that you have access to.
Jul 20, 2016 9007 N/A Resolved Cannot generate share notifications in the Test environment for the following notification types:
Creating notification types for SHAREUPDATE and UNSHARE can be done by following the directions on this FAQ page.
Jun 22, 2016 8894 N/A Resolved The following metrics that are available through the Get-Metrics web service should have a date format of YYYY-MM-DD: energyBaselineDate, energyCurrentDate, waterBaselineDate, waterCurrentDate, wasteBaselineDate, wasteCurrentDate.
Sep 30, 2015 3704 Resolved Resolved Values for the fields that are marked as optional in the property schema (i.e., address2, county) should be retained when they are not provided when updating a property (PUT Property). Instead, the values for those optional fields are incorrectly getting removed.
Sep 4, 2015 7729 Resolved Resolved A share update notification is not being generated when a meter level custom field value changes for a pending meter share.
Mar 19, 2015 6998 Resolved Resolved Cannot update existing green power data.
Mar 19, 2015 6929 Resolved Resolved A share update notification is not being generated when a property level custom field value changes for a property share.
Feb 25, 2015 6952 Resolved Resolved Meter level custom field values are not being returned in the list of pending meter share requests.
Feb 19, 2015 6933 Resolved Resolved Property share permission edits made by customers incorrectly create 'SHAREUPDATE' meter notifications for the provider.
Feb 17, 2015 6930 Resolved Resolved After adding a new property to a customer's account, you should have "Share Forward" access on that property.
Feb 3, 2015 6871 Resolved Resolved Target Finder web service is incorrectly calculating the Median Site EUI when energy estimate inputs are not provided.
Nov 26, 2014 6662 Resolved Resolved Inactive date is not being reset correctly when updating a meter to be back in use.
Oct 30, 2014 6528 Resolved Resolved Cannot specify a property use type of Prison when using the Design and Target Finder web services. This involves an XML schema change and will be done in a future release with advanced notice given.
Oct 15, 2014 6482 Resolved Resolved Receive HTTP 500 error when attempting to retrieve notifications. This occurs when there is a notification that references a user account that no longer exists.
Aug 27, 2014 6285 Resolved Resolved Account level custom field information and/or terms and conditions information are not being prompted for customers attempting to perform a reconnect within the UI. This issue is only occurring when customers view the provider's contact information on the view contact screen.
Aug 26, 2014 6020 Resolved Resolved Additional notification notes that are provided when responding to a connection request or property/meter share request are not being displayed for customers in the web application.
Aug 20, 2014 6253 Resolved Resolved Cannot reject meter share requests that are for full access. A fix is being currently worked on. In the mean time, the meter share request can be rejected using the web application.
Jun 24, 2014 5995 Resolved Resolved The customer level "meterSharingAllowed" setting is not being enforced. Instead the global "meterSharingAllowed" option (which is can be accessed in Account Settings") is always being enforced.
Jun 16, 2014 3198 Resolved Resolved The "createdDate" audit information that is returned is behind by 4 hours when retrieving the following information: property, property uses, meter, and consumption data.
May 30, 2014 5889 Resolved Resolved Calling the GET /ws/association/property/(propertyId)/meter web service incorrectly returns design meters created within the specified property.
May 8, 2014 5627 Resolved Resolved Cannot add or retrieve unique property identifier values that exceed 200 total characters in length. This fix requires a schema change and there are no current workarounds available.
Apr 15, 2014 5626 Resolved Resolved Properties created with the "numberOfBuildings" value entered as '0' cannot be updated to a "numberOfBuildings" value of '1'.
Apr 3, 2014 5610 Resolved Resolved Associating a building to a property causes the property's "numberOfBuildings" to be incorrectly updated. Disassociating does not update the "numberOfBuildings" value. Association/Disassociating buildings to a property should not update the property's "numberOfBuildings" value.
Apr 3, 2014 5578 Resolved Resolved Cannot associate child meter to its parent property use.
Apr 3, 2014 5543 Resolved Resolved Unable to associate water meters to a property unless you have access to all of its meters (both energy and water). Similarly, you are unable to associate energy meters to a property unless you have access to all of its meters (both energy and water). The meter association web service will be modified so access is just based on the meter type. For example, access to all energy meters is only required to associate energy meters and access to all water meters is only required to associate water meters.
Mar 28, 2014 5551 Resolved Resolved Receive HTTP 500 error when attempting to retrieve notifications. This occurs when there is an unshare notification for a deleted meter and the meter's property was also deleted.
Mar 19, 2014 5536 Resolved Resolved GET /property/(propertyId) responses are not correctly returning the enforced access level for shared properties. The access level always returns: Read Write, regardless of the shared permissions provided. This is a display issue for the 'accessLevel' element. Share permissions provided from customers to provider accounts are still being correctly enforced.
Feb 18, 2014 5191 Resolved Resolved This is the short term fix for issue #5188 where the applicable use detail values entered with decimals via the user interface will be rounded to the nearest whole number when retrieved through a web service call.
Feb 17, 2014 5345 Resolved Resolved Web services users are unable to GET property design data if a front end user enters the design energy data as one or more of the following energy types:
  • District Chilled Water - Electric
  • District Chilled Water - Engine
  • District Chilled Water - Absorption
  • District Chilled Water - Other
  • Electric - Wind
  • Electric - Solar
  • Other
Web services users are unable to PUT property design energy data using the above energy types. This fix requires a schema change and there are no current workarounds available.
Feb 4, 2014 1794 Resolved N/A Receive intermittent HTTP 500 errors when submitting web service calls.
Jan 15, 2014 5188 Resolved Resolved The following characteristics should allow decimal values in the XML schemas: seatingCapacity (for Worship Facility) and numberOfSurgicalOperatingBeds (for Medical Office). If the values for these characteristics were entered from the web application with decimals then the following web service calls will fail for those property use types.
  • GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)
  • GET /propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/useDetailsRevisions
  • GET /useDetails/(useDetailsId)
  • GET /property/(propertyId)/design
The fix involves a schema change to allow decimal values and advanced notice will be given prior to the release of this fix. In the meantime, a workaround will be implemented that will round these values to the nearest whole number when calling the web services listed above.
Jan 14, 2014 5186 Resolved Resolved Metric "regionalPowerGrid" is not being correctly calculated by the Get-Metrics web service.
Jan 13, 2014 5177 N/A Resolved In the Test environment only, you cannot associate meters to properties. System responds with a 500 error after submitting a valid POST /association/propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/meter web service call.
Jan 3, 2014 5125 Resolved Resolved Design-score and design-target property metrics are not being calculated correctly by the Design and Target Finder web services when every use-detail value is not provided. The system is not calculating the default values for those use-details that are not provided which are needed to calculate the design metrics. As a workaround, you can explicitly specify to use default values for certain use-details as with the following example for K12 School:

Dec 20, 2013 5102 Resolved Resolved When a meter is deleted, a notification is not being generated for all affected web service users.
Dec 20, 2013 3856 Resolved Resolved Design median metrics retrieved via web services do not match the design median metrics within the web application.
Dec 13, 2013 5037 Resolved Resolved The "waterBaselineDate" metric available through the Get-Metrics web service is returning the earliest water baseline date instead of the selected water baseline date.
Dec 6, 2013 4991 Resolved Resolved Receive HTTP 500 error when attempting to accept a read-only meter share request. This occurs when there is another web service user with full access on that same meter.
Nov 21, 2013 4956 Resolved Resolved Cannot add the following meter types in Gallons (UK): Fuel Oil No 5 or 6, Fuel Oil No 1, Fuel Oil No 2, Fuel Oil No 4, Diesel, Kerosene, Propane, and Liquid Propane.

Cannot add the following meter types in GJ: Fuel Oil No 5 or 6, Fuel Oil No 1, Fuel Oil No 2, Fuel Oil No 4, Coal Anthracite, Coal Bituminous, Coke, Diesel, District Chilled Water - Absorption Chiller using Natural Gas, District Chilled Water - Electric-Driven Chiller, District Chilled Water - Engine-Driven Chiller using Natural Gas, District Chilled Water - Other, District Hot Water, District Steam, Electric, Electric on Site Solar, Electric on Site Wind, Kerosene, Natural Gas, Other (Energy), Propane, Liquid Propane, and Wood.

Cannot add the following meter types in Tonnes (metric): Coal Anthracite, Coal Bituminous, Coke, and Wood.

Cannot add the following meter types in Kilogram: District Steam.
Nov 20, 2013 4946 Resolved Resolved Meter consumption data added to a meter after the "Date Became Inactive" is incorrectly used within annual metric calculations.
Nov 18, 2013 4888 Resolved Resolved Pending property and meter shares remain as seemingly valid pending share notifications when the customer deletes the property and/or meter. When accepting or rejecting the share requests, a successful response is reported, however, the share request will remain pending.
Nov 18, 2013 4881 Resolved Resolved In the Test environment, you cannot run a Get-Metrics web service call for the metric "energyStarCertificationApplicationStatus" on a property that was shared to you because the share did not include full access on the Recognition permission category. As a result, this prevented other metrics in the same call from getting processed. Now, any property share requests generated from the Test environment will include full access on the Recognition permission category.
Nov 12, 2013 4879 Resolved N/A Customers are able to edit and submit shared data exchange settings for a property to the "None" permission option. The provider account is able to accept the new property share, however, a 403 error occurs when attempting to access the property. Editing property permissions to "None" should result in termination of the property share.
Oct 31, 2013 4839 Resolved Resolved The unit of measure is not returned for "totalGHGEmissions" when calling the Get-Metrics web service.
Oct 31, 2013 4838 Resolved Resolved Receive a 403 error when attempting to associate a meter to a property. This is caused when the corresponding property is a result of a property share request for full access. This only occurs within the Test environment ("/wstest").
Oct 17, 2013 4772 Resolved Resolved Cannot add a meter to a Canadian property.
Sep 30, 2013 4766 Resolved Resolved Having full access on "All Meters Information" when exchanging data can result in multiple web service users being granted full access automatically on the same meter. After careful review of "All Meters Information", this permission category will be permanently removed from the data exchange process.

UPDATE: Permission corrections were performed on 11/21/2013.

UPDATE (from release 1.11 on 11/7/2013): "All Meters Information" permission category removed as an option when sending property share requests through the data exchange process.
Sep 25, 2013 4732 Resolved Resolved The following accept/reject scenarios prevent subsequent pending sharing requests from being accepted or rejected:
  • meter is accepted via web service or through web application before the corresponding property is accepted
  • property is rejected via web service or through web application while there are pending meter sharing requests
Sep 23, 2013 4697 Resolved Resolved When a meter that you had access to is deleted, the meter name does not display with the notification that you receive within the web application.
Sep 23, 2013 4693 Resolved Resolved Receive a 403 error when attempting to retrieve the list of pending property shares. This is caused when the web service user performs a disconnect from the customer and any existing pending property shares are not removed.
Sep 19, 2013 4679 Resolved Resolved Plant Design Flow Rate should be required for Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The unit of measure for the hotel characteristic "Amount of Laundry Processed On-Site Annually" is missing. The hotel XML schema will be updated to include the unit of measure for this characteristic in a future release and advanced notice will be given.

UPDATE (from release 1.13 on 12/5/2013): All values sent to and from web services for the hotel characteristic "Amount of Laundry Processed On-Site Annually" will be interpreted in pounds.

UPDATE (from release 2.0 on 2/10/2014): The XML schemas have been changed to address the items mentioned above.
Sep 18, 2013 4664 Resolved Resolved Include the unit of measure for the following characteristics in the hotel XML schema:
  • Full-Service Spa Floor Area
  • Gym/Fitness Center Floor Area
Please note that this will be done in a future release and advanced notice will be given.

UPDATE (from release 1.13 on 12/5/2013): All values sent to and from web services for the hotel characteristics listed above will be interpreted in square feet.

UPDATE (from release 2.0 on 2/10/2014): The XML schemas have been changed to address the items mentioned above.
Sep 16, 2013 4645 Resolved Resolved Cannot delete a meter that belongs to a Canadian property.
Sep 16, 2013 4641 Resolved Resolved The Get espMeterID Mapping web service is not performing a case insensitive lookup similar to how the Get espPropertyID and Get espBldgID web services are.
Sep 12, 2013 4633 Resolved Resolved Cannot access a meter within the web application. Validation is being performed by the web application that required you to have access to all of the property's meters instead of just on the meter of interest.
Sep 6, 2013 4589 Resolved Resolved When retrieving meter consumption data for a meter that spans multiple "pages", the same meter consumption record can appear at the bottom of a response page and also appear at the top of the response for the next page. This makes it appear that there are duplicate meter consumption records with the same ID which is not the case.
Aug 30, 2013 4548 Resolved Resolved Retrieving the following property use type fails:
  • Indoor Arena; Other Stadium; Stadium - Closed; Stadium – Open
    • Enclosed Floor Area
  • K-12 School
    • Gynmasium Floor Area
The XML schemas for those property use types do not track the units for the characteristics listed above. As a result, retrieving those property use types will fail. Also, adding one of those property uses will not associate a unit of measure (square feet or square meters) to the floor area value if it is provided. If the fix involves a schema change then advanced notice will be given prior to the release of this fix.

UPDATE (from release 1.13 on 12/5/2013): All values sent to and from the web services for those characteristics listed above will be interpreted in square feet.

UPDATE (from release 2.0 on 2/10/2014): The XML schemas have been changed to address the items mentioned above.
Aug 30, 2013 4546 Resolved Resolved Retrieving the use-details revisions for the following property use types fail:
  • Indoor Arena; Other Stadium; Stadium - Closed; Stadium – Open
    • enclosedFloorArea
    • iceEvents
    • numberOfConcertShowEventsPerYear
    • numberOfSpecialOtherEventsPerYear
    • numberOfSportingEventsPerYear
    • sizeOfElectronicScoreBoards
    • numberOfSurgicalOperatingBeds
  • Medical Office
    • surgeryCenterFloorArea
  • College/University
    • enrollment
  • K-12 School
    • gymnasiumFloorArea
The fix involves a schema change and advanced notice will be given prior to the release of this fix.

UPDATE (from release 2.0 on 2/10/2014): The XML schemas have been changed to address the items mentioned above.
Aug 30, 2013 4535 Resolved Resolved Cannot submit meter share requests for IT meters and average influent flow meters through the web application for purposes of data exchange.

UPDATE (workaround): IT meters and average influent flow meters cannot be added to your list of supported meter types through the web application but you can add it to your list through a "PUT /dataExchangeSettings" web service call. The following lists the meter types:
  • Power Distribution Unit (PDU) Output Energy
  • Power Distribution Unit (PDU) Input Energy
  • Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Output Energy
  • IT Equipment Input Energy (meters on each piece of equipment)
  • Average Influent Flow
Aug 29, 2013 4537 Resolved Resolved Median property metrics are not being calculated by the Target Finder web services.
Aug 27, 2013 4514 Resolved Resolved The "energyAlerts" and "waterAlerts" metrics do not include any gap or overlap alerts.
Aug 27, 2013 4511 Resolved Resolved Cannot specify an energy rate cost with decimals when using the Design and Target Finder web services. This involves an XML schema change and will be done in a future release with advanced notice given.

UPDATE (from release 2.0 on 2/10/2014): The XML schemas have been changed to address the items mentioned above.
Aug 26, 2013 4430 Resolved Resolved A HTTP 500 error occurs when trying to retrieve a property, meter, or property-use that does not exist. A HTTP 404 error should be returned instead.
Aug 23, 2013 4492 Resolved Resolved Target and median metrics are incorrectly calculated for the following property uses: Residence Hall/Dormitory, Medical Office, and Barracks. These metrics are available through the Target Finder and Reporting web services.
Aug 22, 2013 4453 Resolved Resolved The "egridOutputEmissionsRate" metric returns null in Test and Production.
Aug 22, 2013 4396 Resolved Resolved Only the Property Owner should be able to delete the property. In previous releases, users who were granted "Full Access" were able to delete the property.
Aug 13, 2013 4408 Resolved Resolved When submitting a property or meter share request through the web application for purposes of data exchange, the "Edit" link does not always appear. The share request can still be performed by clicking on the radio button.
Aug 12, 2013 4403 Resolved Resolved Read-only property share requests are incorrectly being shown as read-write when retrieving pending property share requests. After accepting the read-only property share request though, the read-only permission is still correctly being enforced.
Aug 8, 2013 4393 Resolved Resolved When making changes to your account through the Account Settings page within the web application and you do not enter your email address in the Confirm Email field, the "Will you be using the web services API to develop software to exchange data with Portfolio Manager?" field gets set to No and you will not be able to use web services.
Aug 8, 2013 4391 Resolved Resolved When submitting meter share requests through the web application, duplicate requests were getting generated. As a result, the share request could not be accepted or rejected. A fix has been made to stop creating duplicate requests however the cleanup of existing duplicate requests is still in progress.
Aug 6, 2013 4373 Resolved Resolved The unit of measure for the following 2 hotel characteristics is not tracked within the hotel XML schema: Full-Service Spa Floor Area and Gym/Fitness Center Floor Area. As a result, the following occurs when processing hotels.
  • Retrieving the values for those 2 characteristics fail.
  • Adding a hotel property use while providing values for those 2 characteristics do not get a unit of measure associated with them.
To avoid a XML schema change, the unit of measure for all Full-Service Spa Floor Area and Gym/Fitness Center Floor Area values will be defaulted to square feet. The following details this fix.
  • When retrieving a hotel's characteristics, all values for Full-Service Spa Floor Area and Gym/Fitness Center Floor Area will be in square feet (or converted to square feet if originally entered as square meters).
  • When adding a new hotel or updating a hotel, values provided for Full-Service Spa Floor Area and Gym/Fitness Center Floor Area will be processed in square feet.
Updating the hotel XML schema to track the unit of measure for Full-Service Spa Floor Area and Gym/Fitness Center Floor Area will be done in a future release where advanced notice will be given. This is tracked in issue #4664.
Aug 6, 2013 4369 Resolved N/A Web service users cannot re-apply for LIVE environment access.
Aug 5, 2013 4358 Resolved Resolved Web service users with very large portfolios cannot log into the web application.
Aug 5, 2013 4355 Resolved Resolved Submitting property/meter share requests through Portfolio Manager for the purpose of data exchange does not work with the latest version of Chrome (28.0.1500.95) and older versions of Firefox.
Aug 5, 2013 4278 Resolved Resolved Users that have a large amount of properties shared will encounter an application time-out when attempting to access the Sharing tab within the web application. Users will encounter this after submitting a property share request.
Aug 2, 2013 4352 Resolved Resolved The notification that a disconnect occurred cannot be cleared from the web application.
Aug 2, 2013 4351 Resolved Resolved User cannot reconnect after disconnecting from a web service user.
  • If a connection between a web services user and customer is terminated before pending share requests (meter/property) are accepted, the GET share/pending/list web service returns a 403 error.
Aug 1, 2013 4347 Resolved Resolved When submitting meter share requests for data exchange and custom field values are required, custom field values are incorrectly being required for those meters that are not selected.
Aug 1, 2013 4268 Resolved Resolved Meter level custom field prompts are repeated when a user attempts to share a meter. This only occurs if the corresponding property contains multiple meters.
Jul 30, 2013 4327 Resolved Resolved The last bill date for a meter exists in the meter XML schema. This field corresponds to the "inactiveDate" XML element which is not named accurately. No XML schema changes were done.
Jul 26, 2013 4295 Resolved Resolved The Building Unique Identifier values for non-federal buildings were not migrated over from the old system.
Jul 26, 2013 4294 Resolved Resolved The IT Energy Configuration value for several data centers were not migrated correctly from the old system.

UPDATE: Data corrections were done on 11/26/2013.
Jul 26, 2013 4292 Resolved Resolved Properties with multiple offices should be able to receive a score when one of the offices has no GFA.
Jul 26, 2013 4290 Resolved Resolved Any web service trying to retrieve property information with a NULL address-1 field fails.
Jul 26, 2013 4286 Resolved N/A Cannot accept/reject pending account, property, and meter share requests that were migrated from ABS 2.5. This defect could result in any of the following HTTP error codes:
  • 403 (access denied)
  • 404 (not found)
  • 500 (internal server error)
Continuous fixes are being made for this defect so please try again if you encounter an error.

UPDATE (from release 1.12 on 11/19/2013 and release 1.14 on 12/18/2013): Improvements have been made when accepting/rejecting a share via web services.
Jul 25, 2013 4281 Resolved Resolved When creating an account for a country other than US or Canada, the province should be required.
Jul 24, 2013 4272 Resolved Resolved The "Number of Rooms" hotel characteristic was not correctly migrated from the old system.

Update: Data corrected on 8/6/2013.
Jul 24, 2013 4267 Resolved Resolved Pagination links that refer to pending connections and property and meter shares requests are incorrect.
Jul 23, 2013 4254 Resolved Resolved Web service users cannot log into the web application who do not have a "Terms of Use" defined.
Jul 22, 2013 4251 Resolved Resolved The web services that return the unique identifiers based on ABS 2.5 external identifiers fail when they contain values that are URL encoded.
Jul 22, 2013 4250 Resolved Resolved The web service that returns the unique identifier for a meter based on a specific espCustID/espBldgID/espMeterID combination is not using the espBldgID during the lookup. No XML schema changes were needed.
Jul 22, 2013 4245 Resolved Resolved The standard ID named "NYC Bureau Block and Lot (BBL)" should be named "NYC Borough Block and Lot (BBL)".
Jul 19, 2013 4238 Resolved Resolved Energy project information were not correctly migrated over from the old system.
Jul 18, 2013 4234 Resolved Resolved Canadian properties do not have weather stations assigned to them correctly.
Jul 18, 2013 4233 Resolved Resolved The "Hours of Operation" characteristic for the Swimming Pool property use type was incorrectly migrated over from the old system.
Jul 18, 2013 4232 Resolved Resolved Suppress all emails that are sent out from the web service test environment.
Jul 18, 2013 4229 Resolved Resolved Only allow one level of properties (children) to be added under a property.
Jul 18, 2013 4219 Resolved Resolved Incorrect default values for the following required property use characteristics: K12/Student Seating Capacity; K12/Number of Workers; Retail/Single Store; Retail/Exterior Entrance to Public.
Jul 17, 2013 4214 Resolved Resolved Properties with no metering configuration values need to be migrated from the old system with the value of "Whole Property".
Jun 21, 2013 4130 N/A Resolved Within the TEST environment only, cannot simulate generating read/write meter access requests.
Jun 18, 2013 4108 Resolved Resolved Reword error message that is returned when trying to add a water meter of "Other" type without providing an additional description.
Jun 17, 2013 4103 Resolved Resolved The Get-Metric web service is returning "Other" for the metric "systemDefinedPropertyType" instead of "Office" for a property that has Office as its primary property-use type.
Jun 11, 2013 4074 Resolved Resolved Do not allow decimals for gross floor area. This includes the gross floor area for each property-use type as well as ones that are property-use type specific like K12's gymnasium gross floor area.
Jun 11, 2013 4064 Resolved Resolved Retrieving a property's meter association fails if the meter association is of "Combination of Tenant and Common Area Consumption".
Jun 11, 2013 3517 Resolved Resolved Retrieving consumption data fails for green power that was generated at an unknown location.
Jun 10, 2013 4058 Resolved Resolved Missing audit fields when retrieving a list of pending property and meter shares.
Jun 10, 2013 4054 Resolved Resolved Correct schema annotation for "Number of Weekdays" characteristic to say "Number of weekdays (Monday through Friday) the property is open. This will be an number between 0 and 5."
Jun 10, 2013 4053 Resolved Resolved Retrieving a property unique identifier value for a property always fails.
Jun 4, 2013 4050 Resolved Resolved The GFA of a Bank Branch must be >= 1000 square feet in order to receive a score.
Jun 4, 2013 4049 Resolved Resolved When creating a property-use detail revision history and the currentAsOf date is not provided the error message should read "[currentAsOf] field is required for update operation." instead of "currentAsOfDate".
Jun 4, 2013 4048 Resolved Resolved Include propertyId in a notification response when a meter is deleted.
May 22, 2013 3977 Resolved Resolved Allow negative meter consumption values.
May 19, 2013 3943 Resolved Resolved Only one child building can belong to one parent property.
May 1, 2013 3837 Resolved Resolved Get-Metrics web service does not allow a one-day overlap in meter consumption data when calculating metrics.
Apr 25, 2013 3758 Resolved Resolved Get-Metrics web service does not return the proper value for metric identifier "systemDefinedPropertyType".
Apr 25, 2013 3756 Resolved Resolved When disconnecting from a customer or unsharing from a customer's property, all affected meters should be automatically unshared.
Apr 24, 2013 3748 Resolved Resolved The Get-Property-Use-Meter association web service is not returning the correction information.
Mar 18, 2013 3395 Resolved Resolved Accepting a meter share request should correctly accept the corresponding pending property share request for the correct access.
Mar 13, 2013 3372 Resolved Resolved Cannot accept or reject a read-only meter share if another user has full access on it.
Mar 7, 2013 3348 Resolved Resolved The Get-Consumption-Data web service should return a HTTP 200 with no XML consumption records if a meter does not have any consumption records.
Mar 4, 2013 3323 Resolved Resolved Accepting/rejecting a connection/share request does not work if there a two-way pending request between both users.
Feb 28, 2013 3263 Resolved Resolved GET/PUT Account web service calls should not require preemptive authorization.
Feb 25, 2013 3249 Resolved Resolved Updated "Testing Web Services" documentation to include a step for associating meters.
Feb 25, 2013 3248 Resolved Resolved Cannot add a building to a property on behalf of a user.
Feb 22, 2013 3244 Resolved Resolved Cannot get a list of buildings for a property after a building is deleted.
Feb 13, 2013 3201 Resolved Resolved Adding a property identifier should return a HTTP 201 instead of 200.
Feb 7, 2013 3182 Resolved Resolved Retrieving a property use of Supermarket fails.
Feb 1, 2013 3130 Resolved Resolved The accountId is incorrectly being returned by the Get-Notifications web service.
Feb 1, 2013 3123 Resolved Resolved Change espSpaceID mapping web service to include espBldgID as input. The input should be "espCustID + espBldgID + espSpaceID".
Jan 9, 2013 2877 Resolved Resolved The "otherFederalPropertyId" XML element will be removed from the property XML schema. The information that this maps to will be considered a "unique identifier" so it will be accessible from the set of web services listed under the "Unique Identifiers" section of the Property Services API documentation page. It won't be accessible from a GET/POST/PUT property web service call. This change will be available soon.
Jan 9, 2013 2870 Resolved Resolved Calling the GET web services for accounts, properties, meters, and property-uses should not be updating the lastUpdatedDate audit information. This fix will be available soon.
Jan 9, 2013 2642 Resolved Resolved Functionality to manage default values for property-use details is not currently available yet but will be available soon. This functionality includes being able to distinguish between user-provided values and default values calculated by the system.
Dec 17, 2012 2889 Resolved Resolved Updated schema annotation for "energyExportedOffSite" in meterConsumptionData.xsd to "The amount of energy exported off site from an on-site solar or on-site wind installation."
Nov 9, 2012 2721 Resolved Resolved The swimming pool XML schema (swimmingPool.xsd) is incorrectly referencing the monthsSchoolInUse XML element. It should reference the monthsInUse XML element. This involves a change to the swimmingPool.xsd schema file.
Nov 8, 2012 2719 Resolved Resolved Minimum and maximum string lengths of 1 and 500 on the property-use name need to be enforced on each property-use type schema. This fix includes changes to the the majority of the schema files under the "propertyUse" schema folder.
Nov 6, 2012 2655 Resolved Resolved HTTP 500 error occurs when adding a Canadian property.
Oct 30, 2012 2600 Resolved Resolved "Average Flow" is no longer a characteristic that needs to be provided for a "Drinking Water Treatment & Distribution" property use type. This fix includes a change to the following schema files: drinkingWaterTreatmentAndDistribution.xsd, useDetailsRevisions.xsd, and characteristics.xsd.
Oct 23, 2012 2565 Resolved Resolved "Average Flow" is no longer a supported meter type and will be removed from the "meter.xsd" schema. Also "Other - All (Water)" needs to be edited to use a standard hyphen.
Oct 23, 2012 2305 Resolved Resolved The meter association web service should not allow property-level meters (i.e., Electric, Natural Gas) to be associated to property uses (i.e., Office, Hotel). Similarly, property-use-level meters cannot be associated to the property itself. For example, an IT meter cannot be associated to the property itself. It can only be associated to a Data Center property use type. Also, an electric meter cannot be associated to a Data Center property use type. It can only be associated to the property itself.
Oct 17, 2012 2560 Resolved Resolved When a new meter is added, users who have access to the corresponding property were automatically given access to the newly added meter. A fix has been applied to only give meter access to the property owner and the provider who is adding the meter. No further access is given to users who have access to the corresponding property. This fix did not involve any schema changes.
Oct 16, 2012 2554 Resolved Resolved When calling the web service to retrieve the list of pending meter share requests, the results should include the propertyId for each pending meter. This fix includes a change to the authorization.xsd schema file.
Oct 5, 2012 2452 Resolved Resolved Updates to the API documentation were done where links to the request and response schemas were corrected for several "property use" web services.
Sep 27, 2012 2418 Resolved Resolved Need complete URL to the "add account" web service example in the "Testing Web Services" document.
Sep 27, 2012 2365 Resolved Resolved Cannot add the following property uses: Indoor Arena, Stadium (Closed), and Stadium (Open).