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Web Service Documentation / Categories / Connection/Share Services / Get Pending Property Share Requests
Updated on August 23, 2020
This web service returns a list of pending property share requests. These property share requests belong to customers that you are already connected to. The list of pending property share requests is returned in sets of 20.
Field Name | Value | Comments |
Authorization | Basic credentials |
Parameter Name | Description |
page | Indicates the page number set of results to retrieve. This is typically omitted on the initial call and is provided if the results are paginated. |
Request/Response | Schema Name |
Request | None |
Response | authorization.xsd |
The following example shows the list of pending property share requests.
GET /share/property/pending/list
The following example retrieves the list of pending property share requests and provides a link to the next set. For example purposes, assume that over 20 records are returned.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<customField name="Lot Number">987</customField>
<accessLevel>Read Write</accessLevel>
<name>Broadway Elementary</name>
<address address1="91 Broadway Street" city="Arlington" postalCode="20221" state="VA" country="US"/>
<grossFloorArea units="Square Feet" temporary="false" default="N/A">
<notes><![CDATA[Permit license > 5 years old.]]></notes>
<!-- assume more records -->
<link linkDescription="next page" link="/share/property/pending/list?page=2" httpMethod="GET"/>