Web Service Documentation / Categories / Connection/Share Services

Connection/Share Services

The Connection/Share Services allows you to connect to existing Portfolio Manager accounts and share existing properties and meters. These services are divided into 2 sections.The first section includes services that allow you to respond to connection and share requests from existing Portfolio Manager users. In addition, there are services that allow you to disconnect from a user or remove any property or meter shares from a user. The second section includes services that will help you test the connection/share process within the Test environment. These services allow you to generate connection and share requests that are sent to you. This simulates the requests being submitted from other Portfolio Manager users. In addition, as you simulate generating these requests from other Portfolio Manager users, you will be able to submit values to custom fields that you define with each request. This set of web services are only available within the Test environment.


Method REST URI * Description
POST /connect/account/(accountId) Accepts/rejects a pending connection request from a specific customer.
GET /connect/account/pending/list Returns a list of customer connection requests that are pending.
POST /disconnect/account/(accountId)?keepShares=(keepShares) Removes the existing connection between you and a specific customer. Any existing property and meter shares between you and the specific customer are also automatically removed by default.
GET /notification/list?clear=(clear) Gets a list of notifications when a disconnect/unshare occurs.
POST /share/meter/(meterId) Accepts/rejects a pending share request for a specific meter.
GET /share/meter/pending/list Returns a list of meter share requests that are pending. These meter share requests belong to customers that you are already connected to.
POST /share/property/(propertyId) Accepts/rejects a pending share request for a specific property.
GET /share/property/pending/list Returns a list of property share requests that are pending. These property share requests belong to customers that you are already connected to.
POST /unshare/meter/(meterId) Removes the existing share between you and a specific meter.
POST /unshare/property/(propertyId) Removes the existing share between you and a specific property. Any existing meter shares (for this property) between you and the specific customer are also automatically removed.

* For the TEST environment, relative to the base URI:  https://portfoliomanager.energystar.gov/wstest