Web Service Documentation / Categories / Property Services / Get Available Metrics List

Get Available Metrics List

Updated on February 26, 2024


This web service returns a list of all available metrics that can be used to define in a custom metric (the numerator of a custom metric).



HTTP Method


Resource URL



Field Name Value Comments
Authorization Basic credentials

Authorization Required



Parameter Name Description
availableToCustomMetrics Set to true to return a list of metrics that can be used to define in a custom metric (in the numerator).
groupIds Optional. Comma delimited list of group unique identifiers to filter on. Defaults to all groups.

XML Schemas

Request/Response Schema Name
Request None
Response reportMetrics.xsd

Example Request

The example below retrieves the list of metrics that are in groups with a groupId of 2 and 3.

GET  /reports/metrics?groupIds=2,3&availableToCustomMetrics=true

Example Response

The following example shows the list of metrics that be used to define a custom metric for the specified groups.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <group id="2" name="Data Center Metrics">
               <metric id="132" name="dataCenterSourcePUE" description="Data Center - PUE" dataType="numeric"/>
               <metric id="133" name="dataCenterITEquipmentInputSiteEnergy" description="Data Center - IT Equipment Input Meter" dataType="numeric" uom="kWh" availableToCustomMetrics="true"/>
               <metric id="134" name="dataCenterPDUInputSiteEnergy" description="Data Center - PDU Input Meter" dataType="numeric" uom="kWh" availableToCustomMetrics="true"/>
               <metric id="135" name="dataCenterPDUOutputSiteEnergy" description="Data Center - PDU Output Meter" dataType="numeric" uom="kWh" availableToCustomMetrics="true"/>
               <metric id="136" name="dataCenterUPSOutputSiteEnergy" description="Data Center - UPS Output Meter" dataType="numeric" uom="kWh" availableToCustomMetrics="true"/>
               <metric id="137" name="dataCenterITSiteEnergy" description="Data Center - IT Site Energy" dataType="numeric" uom="kWh" availableToCustomMetrics="true"/>
               <metric id="138" name="dataCenterITSourceEnergy" description="Data Center - IT Source Energy" dataType="numeric" uom="kBtu" availableToCustomMetrics="true"/>
               <metric id="139" name="dataCenterPUEMedian" description="Data Center - National Median PUE" dataType="numeric" availableToCustomMetrics="true"/>
     <group id="3" name="Property Design">
               <metric id="140" name="designScore" description="Design ENERGY STAR Score" dataType="numeric" availableToCustomMetrics="true"/>
               <metric id="141" name="designSiteTotal" description="Design Site Energy Use" dataType="numeric" uom="kBtu" availableToCustomMetrics="true"/>
               <!-- assume more records -->
     <!-- assume more records -->