Web Service Documentation / Categories / Property Services / Get Available Property Use Details (for Custom Metrics)

Get Available Property Use Details (for Custom Metrics)

Updated on February 26, 2024


This web service returns a list of all the property use details of a given property that can be used to define in a custom metric (the denominator of a custom metric). The property must already be shared with you.



HTTP Method


Resource URL



Field Name Value Comments
Authorization Basic credentials

Authorization Required



Parameter Name Description
propertyId Id to the property

XML Schemas

Request/Response Schema Name
Request None
Response customMetrics.xsd

Example Request

The example below retrieves the list of property use details of a property (with an id of 14) that can be used to define a custom metric.

GET  /property/14/customMetrics/availableUseDetailTypes

Example Response

The following example shows the list of property use details of a property (with an id of 14) that can be used to define a custom metric.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <useDetailType id="1" name="Gross Floor Area"/>
     <useDetailType id="2" name="Number of Computers"/>
     <useDetailType id="3" name="Number of Walk-in Refrigeration/Freezer Units"/>
     <useDetailType id="4" name="Weekly Operating Hours"/>
     <useDetailType id="5" name="Number of Workers on Main Shift"/>
     <!-- assume more records -->