Web Service Documentation / Categories / Property Services / Edit Billboard Setting at Property Level for Customer

Edit Billboard Setting at Property Level for Customer

Updated on August 25, 2019


This web service sets a desired "billboard" metric for a specified account and property combination. After set, the specified front-end customer user will see the selected metric shown in the billboard. The billboard is displayed in the upper-right section of each property. The customer's property must be shared with you with at least READ_WRITE permissions. Individual property level settings will be cleared if account level billboard setting changes are made.

For more information on account level billboard metric settings, see the "PUT /account/(accountId)" and "PUT /customer/(customerId)" documentation sections.



HTTP Method


Resource URL



Field Name Value Comments
Authorization Basic credentials
Content-Type application/xml

Authorization Required



Parameter Name Description
customerId Id of the customer
propertyId Id to property

XML Schemas

Request/Response Schema Name
Request billboardMetricSettings.xsd
Response response.xsd

Example Request

The following example sets the billboard metric setting for a customer that has an id of 123 and a property that has an id of 654321.

PUT  /customer/123/property/654321/billboardMetricSetting

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <billboardMetricSetting> <billboardMetric>score</billboardMetric> </billboardMetricSetting>

Example Response

The following example indicates that the energy performance project was successfully updated.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response status="Ok">
          <link httpMethod="GET" link="/customer/123/property/654321/billboardMetricSetting" linkDescription="This is the GET url for the property level billboard setting."/>