Web Service Documentation / Categories / Property Services / Add Sample Properties

Add Sample Properties

Updated on June 26, 2023


This web service creates a set of sample properties in your account from the pool of sample properties defined by EPA and NRCan respectively. The actual number of properties created may differ from the count that you specify due to a sample property containing child properties that will also be created. This web service is only available within the Test environment. You can only create a maximum of 100 sample properties per request and no more than 1000 properties may exist in your account to invoke this service.



HTTP Method


Resource URL



Field Name Value Comments
Authorization Basic credentials

Authorization Required



Parameter Name Description
countryCode Optional. Indicates the country to create sample properties from. Valid values are US or CA. Default is US.
createCount Optional. Indicates the number of properties to create. Value range is 1-100. Default is 10.

XML Schemas

Request/Response Schema Name
Request None
Response response.xsd

Example Requests

The following example creates 10 sample US properties.

POST  /createSampleProperties

The following example creates 100 sample Canadian properties.

POST  /createSampleProperties?countryCode=CA&createCount=100

The following example creates 50 sample US properties.

POST  /createSampleProperties?createCount=50

Example Response

The following example shows that the sample properties were successfully created.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response status="Ok"/>