Web Service Documentation / Categories / Reporting Services / Get Property Monthly Metrics

Get Property Monthly Metrics

Updated on August 27, 2018


This web service returns a list of metric values for a specific property and period ending date based on the specified set of metrics and measurement system. Each monthly metric will return 12 values (a value for each month). The months returned are all months captured within the specified annual period ending date. The metrics will reflect monthly totals of meters that you have access to.



HTTP Method


Resource URL



Field Name Value Comments
Authorization Basic credentials
PM-Metrics comma delimited list of metric identifiers A maximum of 10 metrics can be requested per call.

Authorization Required



Parameter Name Description
measurementSystem Indicates the set of units for the metrics to be calculated from. Valid values are METRIC or EPA. There is no default value.
month Month of the period ending date for the metrics to be calculated from. Valid values are 1-12 where 1 is January and 12 is December.
propertyId Id of the property
year Year of the period ending date for the metrics to be calculated from.

XML Schemas

Request/Response Schema Name
Request None
Response propertyMetrics.xsd

Example Request

The following example retrieves the monthly site energy (specified in the HTTP Header) for the property that has an id of 712 for the period ending date of 6/30/2000. The metrics were calculated using the EPA measurement system.

PM-Metrics: siteElectricityUseMonthly, siteNaturalGasUseMonthly

GET /property/712/metrics/monthly?year=2000&month=6&measurementSystem=EPA

Example Response

The following example shows results for the specified monthly metrics. Please note, a nil response will be returned for months where a monthly value cannot be calculated.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<propertyMetrics propertyId="712" month="6" year="2000">
     <metric name="siteElectricityUseMonthly" uom="kBtu" dataType="numeric">
          <monthlyMetric month="6" year="2000">
          <monthlyMetric month="5" year="2000">
               <value xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true"/>
          <monthlyMetric month="4" year="2000">
          <monthlyMetric month="3" year="2000">
          <monthlyMetric month="2" year="2000">
          <monthlyMetric month="1" year="2000">
          <monthlyMetric month="12" year="1999">
          <monthlyMetric month="11" year="1999">
          <monthlyMetric month="10" year="1999">
          <monthlyMetric month="9" year="1999">
          <monthlyMetric month="8" year="1999">
          <monthlyMetric month="7" year="1999">

     <metric name="siteNaturalGasUseMonthly" uom="kBtu" dataType="numeric">
          <monthlyMetric month="6" year="2000">
          <monthlyMetric month="5" year="2000">
               <value xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true"/>
          <monthlyMetric month="4" year="2000">
          <monthlyMetric month="3" year="2000">
          <monthlyMetric month="2" year="2000">
          <monthlyMetric month="1" year="2000">
          <monthlyMetric month="12" year="1999">
          <monthlyMetric month="11" year="1999">
          <monthlyMetric month="10" year="1999">
          <monthlyMetric month="9" year="1999">
          <monthlyMetric month="8" year="1999">
          <monthlyMetric month="7" year="1999">