Web Service Documentation / Categories / Meter Services

Meter Services

The Meter Services allow you to manage meters within Portfolio Manager. These services support all meter categories: all fuels, water, Data Center IT energy meters, waste, and water and wastewater plant meters. The ability to define green power is also provided. You must be already connected to your customers to be able to manage their meters.


Method REST URI * Description
GET /customer/(customerId)/meter/whatChanged?date=(YYYY-MM-DD) Returns a list of meters that have been modified since a specified date.
GET /idHierarchy/meter/(meterId) Returns the identifiers to the Property Data Administrator (accountId) and property for a specific meter.
GET /meter/(meterId) Returns information for a specified meter. The meter must already be shared with you.
PUT /meter/(meterId) Updates the information for a specified meter. The meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the meter.
DELETE /meter/(meterId) Deletes a specified meter. The meter must already be shared with you.
POST /property/(propertyId)/meter Adds a meter for a specific property. The property must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the property.
GET /property/(propertyId)/meter/list?myAccessOnly=(myAccessOnly) Returns a list of meters for a specified property. The property must already be shared with you.
GET /property/(propertyId)/meter/whatChanged?date=(YYYY-MM-DD) Returns a list of meters that have been modified since a specified date, for a specified property.

Property Meter Association

Method REST URI * Description
GET /association/property/(propertyId)/meter Returns the list of meters that are associated to a given property. The corresponding property must be already shared with you.
POST /association/property/(propertyId)/meter Associates a specified list of meters to a given property. The property and meters to associate must be already shared with you.
POST /association/property/(propertyId)/meter/(meterId) Associates a specified (single) meter to a given property. The property and meter must be already shared with you.
DELETE /association/property/(propertyId)/meter/(meterId) Disassociates a specified meter from a given property. The property and meter must be already shared with you.

Property-Use Meter Association

Method REST URI * Description
GET /association/propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/meter Returns the list of meters that are associated to a given property use. The corresponding property must be already shared with you.
POST /association/propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/meter Associates a specified list of meters to a given property use. The corresponding property and meters must be already shared with you.
POST /association/propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/meter/(meterId) Associates a specified (single) meter to a given property use. The property and meter must be already shared with you.
DELETE /association/propertyUse/(propertyUseId)/meter/(meterId) Disassociates a specified meter from a given property use. The property and meter must be already shared with you.

Consumption Data

Method REST URI * Description
PUT /consumptionData/(consumptionDataId) Updates a specific meter consumption data entry. The meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the meter.
DELETE /consumptionData/(consumptionDataId) Deletes a specific meter consumption data entry. The meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the meter.
GET /customer/(customerId)/meter/consumptionData/whatChanged?date=(YYYY-MM-DD) Returns a list of meters for a specified customer that have had their consumption data modified since a specified date.
GET /idHierarchy/consumptionData/(consumptionDataId) Returns the identifiers to the Property Data Administrator (accountId), property, and meter for a specific consumption data record.
POST /meter/(meterId)/consumptionData Adds consumption data and optional demand data to a specified meter. The property that the meter belongs to must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the meter.
GET /meter/(meterId)/consumptionData?page=(page)&startDate=(YYYY-MM-DD)&endDate=(YYYY-MM-DD) Returns the consumption data for a specified meter in sets of 120. The meter must already be shared with you.
DELETE /meter/(meterId)/consumptionData?startDate=(YYYY-MM-DD)&endDate=(YYYY-MM-DD) Deletes consumption data from a specified meter based on a specified optional date range. The meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access.

Green Power Offsite

Method REST URI * Description
GET /offsiteGreenPowerPurchases/(id) Returns information for a specific offsite Green Power purchase record. The corresponding property must already be shared with you.
PUT /offsiteGreenPowerPurchases/(id) Updates a specific offsite Green Power purchase record. The corresponding property must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the property.
DELETE /offsiteGreenPowerPurchases/(id) Deletes a specific offsite Green Power purchase record. The corresponding property must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the property.
GET /property/(propertyId)/offsiteGreenPowerPurchases Returns a list of offsite Green Power purchases for a specific property. The corresponding property must already be shared with you.
POST /property/(propertyId)/offsiteGreenPowerPurchases Adds an offsite Green Power purchase record to a specific property. The corresponding property must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the property.

Green Power Onsite

Method REST URI * Description
GET /meter/(meterId)/onsiteRenewableDetails Returns information for all of the onsite Green Power renewable detail records for a specific meter in sets of 1000. You must have access to the meter.
POST /meter/(meterId)/onsiteRenewableDetails Adds an onsite Green Power renewable detail record for a specified meter. The meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the meter.
GET /meter/(meterId)/onsiteRenewableOptionalInfo Returns the additional/optional onsite Green Power renewable detail information for a specific meter. The meter must already be shared with you.
POST /meter/(meterId)/onsiteRenewableOptionalInfo Adds additional/optional onsite Green Power renewable detail information for a specific meter. The meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the meter.
PUT /meter/(meterId)/onsiteRenewableOptionalInfo Updates the additional/optional onsite Green Power renewable detail information for a specific meter. The meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the meter.
GET /onsiteRenewableDetails/(id) Returns information for a specific onsite Green Power renewable detail record. The meter must already be shared with you.
PUT /onsiteRenewableDetails/(id) Updates a specific onsite Green Power renewable detail record. The meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the meter.
DELETE /onsiteRenewableDetails/(id) Deletes a specific onsite Green Power renewable detail record. The meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the meter.

Waste Data

Method REST URI * Description
GET /customer/(customerId)/meter/wasteData/whatChanged?date=(YYYY-MM-DD) Returns a list of meters for a specified customer that have had their waste data modified since a specified date.
GET /idHierarchy/wasteData/(wasteDataId) Returns the identifiers to the Property Data Administrator (accountId), property, and meter for a specific waste data record.
POST /meter/(meterId)/wasteData Adds waste data to a specified meter. The property that the meter belongs to must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the meter.
GET /meter/(meterId)/wasteData?page=(page)&startDate=(YYYY-MM-DD)&endDate=(YYYY-MM-DD) Returns the waste data for a specified meter in sets of 120. The meter must already be shared with you.
DELETE /meter/(meterId)/wasteData?startDate=(YYYY-MM-DD)&endDate=(YYYY-MM-DD) Deletes waste meter data from a specified waste meter based on a specified optional date range. The waste meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access.
PUT /wasteData/(wasteDataId) Updates a specific waste data entry. The meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the meter.
DELETE /wasteData/(wasteDataId) Deletes a specific waste data entry. The meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the meter.

Unique Identifiers

Method REST URI * Description
POST /meter/(meterId)/identifier Adds a meter identifier. The meter must already be shared with you.
GET /meter/(meterId)/identifier/(identifierId) Returns the value for a specified meter identifier for a given meter. The meter must already be shared with you.
PUT /meter/(meterId)/identifier/(identifierId) Updates the value for a specified identifier for a given meter. The meter must already be shared with you.
DELETE /meter/(meterId)/identifier/(identifierId) Deletes the value for a specific identifier for a given meter. The meter must already be shared with you.
GET /meter/(meterId)/identifier/list Returns the list of identifier values for a specified meter. The meter must already be shared with you.
GET /meter/identifier/list Returns a list of standard and unique identifiers that are currently approved for use by EPA.
GET /property/(propertyId)/meter/identifier/list Returns the list of all identifier values for all meters in a specified property. The meters must already be shared with you.

Meter Aggregation

Method REST URI * Description
GET /meter/(meterId)/aggregateMeter Returns information on whether the specified meter is an aggregate meter that represents multiple individual meters.
POST /meter/(meterId)/individual Adds an individual meter to be included in the total for the aggregate meter. The aggregate meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access.
DELETE /meter/(meterId)/individual Deletes all information of individual meters that are included in the total for the aggregated meter. The aggregate meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access.
GET /meter/(meterId)/individual/list Returns a list of all individual meters that are aggregated into the specified parent meter. The parent meter must already be shared with you.
GET /meter/individual/(individualMeterId) Returns information for an individual meter that is included in the total for the aggregate meter. The aggregate meter must already be shared with you.
PUT /meter/individual/(individualMeterId) Updates information for an individual meter that is included in the total for the aggregate meter. The aggregate meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access.
DELETE /meter/individual/(individualMeterId) Deletes information for an individual meter that is included in the total for the aggregate meter. The aggregate meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access.


Method REST URI * Description
GET /meter/(meterId)/customFieldList Returns a list of your custom fields and their values for a specific meter.

* For the TEST environment, relative to the base URI:  https://portfoliomanager.energystar.gov/wstest