Web Service Documentation / Categories / Meter Services / Add Consumption Data

Add Consumption Data

Updated on June 30, 2024


This web service adds consumption data to a specific meter based on the information provided in the XML request. It returns the unique identifier to each consumption data entry and a link to the corresponding web service to retrieve it. The meter must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the meter. This web service supports all meter types (i.e., electric, natural gas, water, IT, etc.). Demand tracking is also available for electric grid-purchase meters. A maximum of 120 consumption records is allowed.



HTTP Method


Resource URL



Field Name Value Comments
Authorization Basic credentials
Content-Type application/xml

Authorization Required



Parameter Name Description
meterId Id to the meter

XML Schemas

Request/Response Schema Name
Request meterConsumptionData.xsd
Response meterConsumptionData.xsd

Example Requests

The following example adds consumption data to the meter that has an id of 500.

POST  /meter/500/consumptionData

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <meterData> <meterConsumption> <usage>639573</usage> <startDate>2011-01-01</startDate> <endDate>2011-01-31</endDate> </meterConsumption> <meterConsumption> <usage>613123</usage> <startDate>2011-02-01</startDate> <endDate>2011-02-28</endDate> </meterConsumption> </meterData>

The following example adds consumption data and demand data to the meter that has an id of 502.

POST  /meter/502/consumptionData

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <meterData> <meterConsumption estimatedValue="false"> <usage>1000</usage> <startDate>2010-03-15</startDate> <endDate>2010-04-14</endDate> <demandTracking> <demand>99</demand> <demandCost>5859</demandCost> </demandTracking> </meterConsumption> </meterData>

Example Response

The following example indicates that the consumption data was successfully added to the meter and this utility bill has an id of 745.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <meterConsumption estimatedValue="false">