Web Service Documentation / Categories / Property Services / Get What Changed Property List

Get What Changed Property List

Updated on February 26, 2024


This web service returns a list of properties that changed since a specified date. This service uses the following Last Modified Metrics to determine when a property was last modified since a property use, property use details, and meters belong to the property. More information on how the Last Modified Date metrics are calculated can be found here.
  • Last Modified Date - Property
  • Last Modified Date - Property Use
  • Last Modified Date - Property Use Details
  • Last Modified Date - Electric Meters
  • Last Modified Date - Gas Meters
  • Last Modified Date - Non-Electric Non-Gas Energy Meters
  • Last Modified Date - Water Meters
  • Last Modified Date - Waste Meters
The list of properties returned are account specific. Results are returned in increments of 1,000 per set. The returned list only shows properties that you have permission to view. Actions that trigger a property to be included in the returned list may have been performed by any user with property access. A list of user actions that trigger a property to be included in the returned list can be found here.

The audit information that is returned from the GET calls on most entities (i.e., property, meter, property use, etc.) provides helpful information but can also cause confusion when you compare it to the results returned from this Get-What-Changed service. More information on the audit information can be found here.



HTTP Method


Resource URL



Field Name Value Comments
Authorization Basic credentials

Authorization Required



Parameter Name Description
customerId Id to the customer
date Indicates the starting date of the desired range of time. Must be a valid date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. The ending date of the desired range of time is set to the current date. The ending date cannot be changed.
nextPageKey Optional. Used as a reference key to determine what results to include in the next page. This is not a page number. This is typically omitted on the initial call and is provided if the results are paginated.
previousPageKey Optional. Used as a reference key to determine what results to include in the previous page. This is not a page number. This is typically omitted on the initial call and is provided if the results are paginated.

XML Schemas

Request/Response Schema Name
Request None
Response response.xsd

Example Request

The following example retrieves the second result set of a list of properties that changed since 2010-07-31. These properties are for the customer that has an id of 100.

GET  /customer/100/property/whatChanged?nextPageKey=3000&date=2010-07-31

Example Responses

The following example returns a list of properties in customerId 100 that have changed since July 31, 2010. The list contains web service links for you to call and retrieve information for each property.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response status="Ok">
        <link id="86" httpMethod="GET" link="/property/86" linkDescription="This is the GET url for this Property." hint="ACME Convenience Store"/>
        <link id="34" httpMethod="GET" link="/property/34" linkDescription="This is the GET url for this Property." hint="ACME Grocery"/>


        <link httpMethod="GET" link="/customer/100/property/whatChanged?nextPageKey=4000&date=2010-07-31" linkDescription="next page"/>
        <link httpMethod="GET" link="/customer/100/property/whatChanged?previousPageKey=3000&date=2010-07-31" linkDescription="previous page"/>

A list with no properties is returned. No properties have changed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response status="Ok">