Web Service Documentation / Categories / Reporting Services / Get Data Response

Get Data Response

Updated on October 10, 2023


This web service retrieves information for a specific customer's data response. The information returned includes the data request identifier and a list of properties associated to the data response. The corresponding metric calculation values to the data response are not returned. The customer can reference a user you're connected to or your own account.

NOTE: If the data response has not been submitted (i.e., sent) and the corresponding data request is closed then a 403 (access denied) is returned.



HTTP Method


Resource URL



Field Name Value Comments
Authorization Basic credentials

Authorization Required



Parameter Name Description
customerId Id of the customer
dataResponseId Id of the data response

XML Schemas

Request/Response Schema Name
Request None
Response dataResponse.xsd

Example Request

The following example returns information for a data response that has an id of 9876 that belongs to a customer with an id of 675434.

GET  /reports/customers/675434/dataResponses/9876

Example Response

The following example shows the results when you call this web service.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dataResponse id="9876">