Web Service Documentation / Categories / Reporting Services / Add Data Response

Add Data Response

Updated on October 10, 2023


This web service creates/prepares a data response to a specific customer's data request. The customer can reference a user you're connected to or your own account. The information provided indicates the specific data request and a list of properties. This initialization is required if you are responding to a data request for the first time.



HTTP Method


Resource URL



Field Name Value Comments
Authorization Basic credentials

Authorization Required



Parameter Name Description
customerId Id of the customer

XML Schemas

Request/Response Schema Name
Request dataResponse.xsd
Response response.xsd

Example Request

The following example creates a data response for a specific data request that has an id of 34343 that belongs to a customer with an id of 675434.

POST  /reports/customers/675434/dataResponse

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dataResponse> <dataRequestId>34343</dataRequestId> <properties> <id>3454</id> <id>144976</id> <id>1565655</id> </properties> </dataResponse>

Example Response

The following example shows the results when you call this web service.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response status="Ok">
     <link id="9876" httpMethod="GET" link="/reports/customers/675434/dataResponses/9876" linkDescription="This is the GET url for this DataResponse." hint="Energy Report 2023-DataRequest"/>