Web Service Documentation / Categories / Connection/Share Services / Send Meter Share Request From Test Environment

Send Meter Share Request From Test Environment

Updated on July 17, 2013


This web service sends a share request for a specific meter from a customer to you. You must run this web service as the customer that you want the meter share request to originate from and specify the account that receives the request. This simulates the customer sending a meter share request to you. Any existing share for this specific meter between you and this customer will be updated after submitting this service. If a meter share is pending acceptance/rejection, additional share requests cannot be sent. This web service is only available in the Test environment. After the meter share request is sent, you can verify it by running the web service that returns a list of pending meter share requests.



HTTP Method


Resource URL



Field Name Value Comments
Authorization Basic credentials
Content-Type application/xml

Authorization Required



Parameter Name Description
accessLevel Indicates the access level for the share request. Valid values are READ or READ_WRITE. Default is READ_WRITE.
accountId Id to the account that receives the connection request. This is typically the data exchange user.
meterId Id to the meter that is to be shared

XML Schemas

Request/Response Schema Name
Request None
Response response.xsd

Example Request

The following example sends a share request (read only) for a meter that has an id of 921455 to the account that has an id of 23423.

POST  /invite/account/23423/meter/921455?accessLevel=READ

Example Response

The following example shows that the share request was successfully sent.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response status="Ok"/>