Web Service Documentation / Categories / Property Services / Get Federal Agency List

Get Federal Agency List

Updated on July 17, 2013


This web service retrieves a list of all of the federal agencies that a federal property can be associated to.



HTTP Method


Resource URL



Field Name Value Comments
Authorization Basic credentials

Authorization Required




XML Schemas

Request/Response Schema Name
Request None
Response federalAgency.xsd

Example Request

The following example retrieves the list of standard and unique identifiers that are approved by EPA to use.

GET  /property/federalAgency/list

Example Response

The following example displays the list of federal agencies.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <agency name="Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP)" code="ACHP" id="1" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)" code="CIA" id="2" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of Agriculture (USDA)" code="USDA" id="3" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of Commerce (DOC)" code="DOC" id="4" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of Defense (DOD)" code="DOD" id="5" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of Education (ED)" code="ED" id="6" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of Energy (DOE)" code="DOE" id="7" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)" code="HHS" id="8" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of Homeland Security (DHS)" code="DHS" id="9" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)" code="HUD" id="10" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of Justice (DOJ)" code="DOJ" id="11" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of Labor (DOL)" code="DOL" id="12" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of State (DOS)" code="DOS" id="13" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of Transportation (DOT)" code="DOT" id="14" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)" code="VA" id="15" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of the Interior (DOI)" code="DOI" id="16" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Department of the Treasury" code="TREASURY" id="17" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)" code="EPA" id="18" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Federal Communication Commission (FCC)" code="FCC" id="19" country="US"/>
    <agency name="General Services Administration (GSA)" code="GSA" id="20" country="US"/>
    <agency name="National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)" code="NASA" id="21" country="US"/>
    <agency name="National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)" code="NARA" id="22" country="US"/>
    <agency name="National Science Foundation (NSF)" code="NSF" id="23" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)" code="NRC" id="24" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Office of Personnel Management (OPM)" code="OPM" id="25" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Other" code="OTHER" id="26" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Small Business Administration (SBA)" code="SBA" id="27" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Smithsonian" code="SMITHSON" id="28" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Social Security Administration (SSA)" code="SSA" id="29" country="US"/>
    <agency name="Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)" code="TVA" id="30" country="US"/>
    <agency name="United States Postal Service (USPS)" code="USPS" id="31" country="US"/>