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Web Service Documentation / Categories / Reporting Services / Get Reasons for No Energy Score
Updated on September 1, 2015
This web service returns a list of reasons that explain why the specific property cannot receive an ENERGY STAR score for a certain period ending date. If both the year and month are not provided then the property's current energy period ending date is used. Please refer to this Alert Inventory for a list of possible reasons you might see in the response. Refer specifically to the alerts that are denoted "yes" in the N/A Explanations column; these are the alerts that apply when a metric, like the ENERGY STAR score, cannot be computed.
Field Name | Value | Comments |
Authorization | Basic credentials |
Parameter Name | Description |
month | Optional. Month of the period ending date. Valid values are 1-12 where 1 is January and 12 is December. If both month and year are not specified, then the property's current energy period ending date is used. |
propertyId | Id of the property |
year | Optional. Year of the period ending date. If both month and year are not specified, then the property's current energy period ending date is used. |
Request/Response | Schema Name |
Request | None |
Response | alerts.xsd |
The following example retrieves the list of reasons that explain why the property cannot receive an ENERGY STAR score for the period ending date of 12/31/2014.
GET /property/712/reasonsForNoScore?year=2014&month=12
The following example retrieves the list of reasons that explain why the property cannot receive an ENERGY STAR score for its most current energy period ending date. Note that both the year and month are not provided.
GET /property/712/reasonsForNoScore
The following example shows the list of reasons why property 712 cannot receive an ENERGY STAR score.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<alerts propertyId="712" month="12" year="2014">
<name>Hours of Operation for Office are Out of Range</name>
<description>An office must be open at least 30 hours per week to receive a score but the average hours
across all of your offices is only 25 hours: Office 1 (Open 20 hours); Office 2 (Open 30 hours)
<name>Meter has gaps</name>
<description>The following meters have gaps between bills: Meter 1 (Gap from 4/1/2014 to 4/10/2014),
Meter 2 (Gap from 6/4/2014 to 6/20/2014).