Web Service Documentation / Categories / Reporting Services / Edit Report

Edit Report

Updated on February 12, 2023


This web service updates a specified report based on the list of properties and timeframe provided in the XML request. The web service returns the unique identifier to the report and a link to the corresponding web service to retrieve it. The report must be owned by you.

The following are limitations you should be aware of:
  • The report cannot be updated if it's already submitted for processing or is being generated.
  • A maximum of 5,000 properties is allowed and replaces the previous set of properties in the report.
  • A maximum of 2 million data points are allowed in a report (#properties * #metrics * #time periods).



HTTP Method


Resource URL



Field Name Value Comments
Authorization Basic credentials
Content-Type application/xml

Authorization Required



Parameter Name Description
reportId Id of the report

XML Schemas

Request/Response Schema Name
Request report.xsd
Response response.xsd

Example Request

The following example updates a report.

PUT  /reports/2345

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <report> <timeframe> <currentPeriod> <meterType>ENERGY</meterType> </currentPeriod> </timeframe> <properties> <id>3454</id> <id>144976</id> <id>1565655</id> </properties> </report>

Example Response

The following example shows the results when you call this web service.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response status="Ok">
          <link id="2345" httpMethod="GET" link="/reports/2345" linkDescription="This is the GET url for this Report." hint="My Energy Report 2022"/>