Web Service Documentation / Categories / Property Services

Property Services

The Property Services allow you to manage properties and buildings within Portfolio Manager. You must be already connected to your customers to be able to manage their properties.


Method REST URI * Description
POST /account/(accountId)/property Creates a property for the specified user. You must be already be connected to the user.
GET /account/(accountId)/property/list Returns a list of properties for a specified user. Only properties that you have access to will be returned. You must be already be connected to the user.
**POST /createSampleProperties/{major-release-version}?countryCode=(countryCode) Creates a set of sample properties that reflect changes from a particular major release. Currently this call only supports creating sample properties specific to the 23.0 release and is only availlable in the Test environment. **
**POST /createSampleProperties?countryCode=(countryCode)&createCount=(createCount) Creates a set of sample properties. This call is available only in the Test environment. **
GET /customer/(customerId)/property/whatChanged?date=(YYYY-MM-DD) Returns a list of properties that have been modified since a specified date.
GET /idHierarchy/property/(propertyId) Returns the identifier to the Property Data Administrator (accountId) for a specific property.
GET /property/(propertyId) Returns information for a specific property. The property must already be shared with you. This service can also be used for a building.
PUT /property/(propertyId) Updates the information for a specified property. The property must already be shared with you.
DELETE /property/(propertyId) Deletes a specified property. The property must already be shared with you.


Method REST URI * Description
GET /property/(propertyId)/design Returns the values for the set of design characteristics for an existing property. The property must already be shared with you.
PUT /property/(propertyId)/design Updates the set of design characteristics for an existing property. The property must already be shared with you.

Custom Metrics

Method REST URI * Description
GET /property/(propertyId)/customMetrics Returns a list of custom metrics for a given property. The property must already be shared with you.
GET /property/(propertyId)/customMetrics/(customMetricSlot) Returns information for a specific custom metric for a given property. The property must already be shared with you.
POST /property/(propertyId)/customMetrics/(customMetricSlot) Adds a custom metric for a given property. The property must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the property.
PUT /property/(propertyId)/customMetrics/(customMetricSlot) Updates a specific custom metric for a given property. The property must already be shared with you.
DELETE /property/(propertyId)/customMetrics/(customMetricSlot) Deletes a specific custom metric for a given property. The property must already be shared with you.
GET /property/(propertyId)/customMetrics/availableUseDetailTypes Returns a list of available property use details of a given property that can be used to define in a custom metric (the denominator of a custom metric). The property must already be shared with you.
GET /reports/metrics?groupIds=(groupIds)&availableToCustomMetrics=true Returns a list of available metrics that can be used to define in a custom metric (the numerator of a custom metric).

Electric Distribution Utility

Method REST URI * Description
PUT /property/(propertyId)/edu/(eduCode) Assigns a specific electric distribution utility to a given property. The electric emissions rate for this property will be based off of this electric distribution utility. The property must be already shared with you with write access.
GET /property/(propertyId)/edu/list Returns a list of electric distribution utilities which may be assigned to a specified property. The list also indicates the currently assigned electric distribution utility for the property. The property must be already shared with you with write access.

Power Generation Plant

Method REST URI * Description
DELETE /property/(propertyId)/pgp Removes the currently assigned power generation plant from the given property and leaves no power generation plant assigned to the property.
PUT /property/(propertyId)/pgp/(plantCode) Assigns a specific power generation plant to a given property. The electric emissions rate for this property will be based off of this power generation plant. The property must be already shared with you with write access.
GET /property/(propertyId)/pgp/list Returns a list of power generation plants for a specified property. The list also indicates the currently selected power generation plant for the property. The property must be already shared with you with write access.

International Weather Station

Method REST URI * Description
PUT /property/(propertyId)/internationalWeatherStation/(internationalWeatherStationId) Assigns a specific international weather station to a given property. The weather station is used to determine reference weather conditions at your property.
GET /property/internationalWeatherStation/list?page=(page)&country=(country) Returns a list of international weather stations for a specified country code.

Unique Identifiers

Method REST URI * Description
POST /property/(propertyId)/identifier Adds a property identifier (either standard or unique). The property must already be shared with you.
GET /property/(propertyId)/identifier/(identifierId) Returns the value for a specified property identifier for a given property. The property must already be shared with you.
PUT /property/(propertyId)/identifier/(identifierId) Updates the value for a specified identifier for a given property. The property must already be shared with you.
DELETE /property/(propertyId)/identifier/(identifierId) Deletes the values for a specified identifier for a given property. The property must already be shared with you.
GET /property/(propertyId)/identifier/list Returns the list of identifier values for a specified property. The property must already be shared with you.
GET /property/identifier/list Returns a list of standard and unique identifiers that are currently approved for use by EPA.

Verification Information

Method REST URI * Description
GET /property/(propertyId)/verification Returns verification information for a specific property. The property must already be shared with you. This service can also be used for a building.
POST /property/(propertyId)/verification Creates verification information under a specific property. The property must already be shared with you.
PUT /property/(propertyId)/verification Updates verification information for a specific property. The corresponding property must already be shared with you.
DELETE /property/(propertyId)/verification Deletes verification information under a specific property. The property must already be shared with you.
GET /property/(propertyId)/verification/professionalDesignation Returns professional designation data portion of the verification information for a specific property. The property must already be shared with you. This service can also be used for a building.
DELETE /property/(propertyId)/verification/professionalDesignation Deletes all of the professional designation data of the verification information for a specific property. The property must already be shared with you. This service can also be used for a building.
POST /property/(propertyId)/verification/professionalDesignation/(designationTypeId) Creates a specific professional designation to the verification information for a specific property. The property must already be shared with you. This service can also be used for a building.
PUT /property/(propertyId)/verification/professionalDesignation/(designationTypeId) Updates the licenses for a specific professional designation that belongs to a property's verification information. The corresponding property must already be shared with you.
DELETE /property/(propertyId)/verification/professionalDesignation/(designationTypeId) Deletes a specified professional designation type and its licenses from a specific property's verification information. The corresponding property must already be shared with you.
PUT /property/(propertyId)/verification/professionalDesignation/(designationTypeId)/(index) Updates a specific license of specified professional designation for a specific property's verification information. The corresponding property must already be shared with you.
DELETE /property/(propertyId)/verification/professionalDesignation/(designationTypeId)/(index) Deletes a specified single professional designation license under a specific property's verification information. The corresponding property must already be shared with you.
GET /property/professionalDesignation/list Returns a list of professional designation types.


Method REST URI * Description
GET /billboardMetric/list Returns a list of metrics that can be used to update the "billboard" that displays to front-end users.
GET /customer/(customerId)/property/(propertyId)/billboardMetricSetting Returns the "billboard" metric setting used by a specified customer and property.
PUT /customer/(customerId)/property/(propertyId)/billboardMetricSetting Updates the metric displayed in the "billboard" for a customer's account and property.
GET /energyPerformanceProject/(energyPerformanceProjectId) Returns information for a specified energy performance project. The corresponding property must already be shared with you.
PUT /energyPerformanceProject/(energyPerformanceProjectId) Updates the information for a specified energy performance project. The corresponding property must already be shared with you.
DELETE /energyPerformanceProject/(energyPerformanceProjectId) Deletes a specified energy performance project. The corresponding property must already be shared with you.
GET /property/(propertyId)/baselineAndTarget Returns the baseline and target performance settings.
PUT /property/(propertyId)/baselineAndTarget Updates the baseline and target performance settings.
GET /property/(propertyId)/billboardMetricSetting Returns the "billboard" metric setting for the authenticated account and the specified property.
PUT /property/(propertyId)/billboardMetricSetting Updates the metric displayed in the "billboard" for your account and property.
GET /property/(propertyId)/customFieldList Returns the list of custom fields and corresponding values for a specific property.
POST /property/(propertyId)/energyPerformanceProject Adds an energy performance project for a specific property. The property must already be shared with you and you must have write access to the property.
GET /property/(propertyId)/energyPerformanceProject/list Returns a list of energy performance projects for a specified property. The property must already be shared with you.
GET /property/eGridSubregion/list Returns a list of eGrid Subregions.
GET /property/federalAgency/list Returns a list of federal agencies.

* For the TEST environment, relative to the base URI:  https://portfoliomanager.energystar.gov/wstest